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College Admission & Visa Services

Mon-Fri: 11:00-19:00

The Latest Regulations: Need to report COVID-19 self-assessment through ArriveCAN Everyday

The Latest Regulations: Need to report COVID-19 self-assessment through ArriveCAN Everyday

12/23/2020BY Vhadmin

The latest regulations for entry into Canada: Canada’s entry rules have been updated and will be implemented from November 21, 2020. The imm

Canada to offer more immigration pathways to temporary residents

Canada to offer more immigration pathways to temporary residents

11/20/2020BY Vhadmin

Recent new immigration policies will help students, Immigrants who reside in Canada, as the government of Canada issues new policies that will be b

Covid-19 border reopening for international students

Covid-19 border reopening for international students

10/30/2020BY Vhadmin

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19):Designated learning institutions reopening to international students in Canada. As of October 20, 2020, some designa