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BC PNP Tech Stream  | Requirements & Occupations List

07/04/2023BY Dylan

Benefits of the The BC PNP Tech Stream

The BC PNP Tech stream provides international talent in tech occupations with a pathway to permanent residence in British Columbia. Since its launch in May 2017, BC PNP Tech has supported more than 6,000 tech workers. Let’s explore the benefits and eligibility criteria for this stream.

The BC PNP Tech stream gives international talent in tech occupations a pathway to permanent residence, so they can help grow the economy of the province and build a great life in British Columbia. Since its launch in May 2017, BC PNP Tech has supported more than 6,000 tech workers.


Benefits of the BC PNP Tech

  • British Columbia conducts targeted tech-only draws to ensure that skilled tech applicants have priority access to the program.
  • They also assign files to a dedicated team, resulting in more timely processing of tech applications.
  • In addition, British Columbia offers an employer concierge service for companies wishing to support an applicant under BC PNP Tech.
  • This pathway does not require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).
  • B.C. also offers client support services through email and phone until permanent residence.

How does the BC PNP Tech stream work?

There are 29 in-demand tech occupations eligible for BC PNP Tech. Moreover, candidates need to choose the BC PNP category that is right for them, and meet the general and category requirements:

  • Skilled Worker (including Express Entry BC option)

4.1 Skilled Worker Stream
The BC PNP Skilled Worker stream is for experienced workers in a professional, management,
technical, trade or other skilled occupation.
4.1 (a) You must meet the General Requirements
You must meet the General Requirements listed in Part 3 of this Program Guide.
4.1 (b) You must be offered a job in a skilled occupation (NOC TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3)
Your employer must provide you with a signed job offer on official company letterhead. For full
details on the job offer requirements, refer to section 3.5 and section 6.6.
Your job offer does not need to be indeterminate if:
• you have been offered a job in an eligible tech occupation.
o Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech for more information.
• you have been offered a job in NOC 41200 (university professors and lecturers), and:
o the job offer is from a B.C. public university, and
o you have a doctoral level degree.
4.1 (c) You must have a minimum of two years of full-time (or full-time equivalent) work
experience in any skilled occupation (NOC TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3)
This experience may be from work performed within Canada or abroad, and must have been
obtained within the last ten years.
Work experience obtained in paid co-op work terms is eligible if it meets all of the following
• the paid co-op work term was full-time (minimum 30 regular hours per week)
• the paid co-op experience was in a skilled occupation
• you have successfully completed your program of study
If you include paid co-op experience to meet the two year skilled work experience requirement,
you must provide evidence that you have graduated from your program of study. You may also
be asked to provide evidence that your co-op experience was paid.
Student work experience that is not part of a paid co-op work term does not count towards this
BC PNP Skills Immigration Program Guide
BC PNP Program Guide | Part 4: The Skills Immigration Streams 26
The information in this guide is effective November 16, 2023. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Please note that this work experience requirement is separate from the directly related work
experience that is scored at registration. Please see section 7.2 Registration Scoring Factors for
more information about how directly related work experience is used to calculate your score.
If you have been offered a job that is classified under NOC 41200 (university professors and
lecturers) at a B.C. public university, experience obtained through research or coursework as
part of your doctoral-level degree can be used to demonstrate you meet the two year skilled
experience requirement. This research or coursework experience is not required to be paid, and
must have been obtained within the last ten years.
4.1 (d) Your employer must meet the Employer Requirements
The employer requirements are listed in Part 6 of this Program Guide

  • International Graduate (including Express Entry BC option)

For more BC PNP info

If candidates apply with a valid job offer in one of the eligible tech occupations, their job offer must be for at least one year (365 days).

Eligible Tech Occupations

NOC Code Job Title
0131 Telecommunication carriers managers
0213 Computer and information systems managers
0512 Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
2131 Civil engineers
2132 Mechanical engineers
2133 Electrical and electronics engineers
2134 Chemical engineers
2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
2171 Information systems analysts and consultants
2172 Database analysts and data administrators
2173 Software engineers and designers
2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers
2175 Web designers and developers
2221 Biological technologists and technicians
2241 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
2242 Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)
2243 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
2281 Computer network technicians
2282 User support technicians
2283 Information systems testing technicians
5121 Authors and writers
5122 Editors
5125 Translators, terminologists and interpreters
5224 Broadcast technicians
5225 Audio and video recording technicians
5227 Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts
5226 Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
5241 Graphic designers and illustrators
6221 Technical sales specialists – wholesale trade
British Columbia Website

Key Requirements and process for the BC PNP Tech Program

To apply for the BC PNP Tach you must create a profile and register in BCPNP Online. Your score will be scored based on the personal profile.

If you are invited to apply, you have up to 30 calendar days to submit a completed online application.

  • The BC PNP will invite people who are in the registration pool to submit an application to the BC PNP.
  • If you apply with a valid job offer in one of the eligible tech occupations, your job offer must be for at least one year (365 days). (The job offer must have at least 120 days remaining at the time of application to the BC PNP.)
  • If approved, you will receive a nomination certificate (confirmation of nomination) that you can use to apply for permanent residence with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada under the Provincial Nominee Class.
BC pnp tech project