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【 加拿大学签 】有效学签持有者 每周可打工20小时!

10/21/2022BY Shawn

【 加拿大学签 】有效学签持有者 每周可打工20小时!

加拿大学签 校外打工20小时

很多学员来加拿大都希望可以获取文凭以及工作经验来为自己的简历添色。其中就读学校期间,半工半读的模式成了热门的选择,留学生不仅可以在学习专业课程的同时获取一定的加拿大工作经验,更重要的是可以赚取酬劳补贴生活。在这篇文章中我们帮您整理了常见的加拿大学生签证有关问题: 是否可以在就读期间每周打工20个小时? 其工作经验是否可被列入移民分数计算?


加拿大学签 校外打工20小时

学习签证(Study Permit)是证明该留学生具有加拿大读书资格的凭证。无论是想在加拿大就读语言学校、大学、College,或需要在当地逗留6个月以上的留学生都必须申请学习签证。您可以在来加拿大前就申请学生签证,亦可以在持旅游签证入境后通过“旅游签转学签”的方式获得学习签证。


1.语言学校 学习签证

如果您的学习时常超过6个月以上,都必须申请学生签证以继续在加拿大读书。但如果该学生是到加拿大学习时长短于6个月的短期语言课程,则可以选择不用申请学生签证 (中国大陆学生利用旅游签证,台湾学生利用旅签eTA即可)。


2. 打工游学学签 & 实习工签

加拿大学签 校外打工20小时







现在联系我们的顾问 2022年12月31日前 报名




3. 公立学院学签&毕业工签

加拿大学签 校外打工20小时


相较于打工游学COOP,公立学院的学费会比较高。在公立体制下的DLI学院College进修 (类似大专的概念),就可以获得毕业后工作签证。主要以【移民】为主要目的,持有公立学院的文凭或证书,可以提升不少的移民分数。在毕业后,工作经验满一年,即可递交相关资料,向加拿大移民署申请永久居留卡 (PR卡或枫叶卡)。


毕业工作签证PGWP,依照课程学制的长度有所不同。 「毕业工签PGWP」是可以合法工作的 (Full-time 或 Part-time)。只需要工作满一年,通过加拿大移民局快速通道(Express Entry)-经验类移民CEC申请,即可向加拿大政府递出移民申请。更多关于:毕业后工签PGWP



加拿大学签 校外打工20小时



加拿大学签 校外打工20小时


Full-time status

DLIs set the number of hours and credits toward a degree, diploma or certificate that are required for a student to hold full-time status. Officers will defer to DLIs on the determination of a student’s status.

Students must stop working off campus as soon as their full-time status becomes part-time during a regular academic session (for instance, a student may begin a regular academic session on a full-time basis and become part-time during the same session as they drop courses). In this case, they are no longer authorized to undertake off-campus work.

Co-op students

If the DLI considers a co-op student with a co-op work permit to have full-time status during the “work experience” portion of their program, and if the student continues to comply with the eligibility requirements under the co-op work permit program, the student may be eligible to work off campus, pursuant to paragraph R186(v), on top of their co-op work hours.

Conditions for work

Maximum working hours permitted

Students eligible to work under paragraph R186(v) can do the following:

  • work up to 20 hours per week during academic sessions once they have commenced their program of study
  • work full time during regularly scheduled breaks between academic sessions regardless of their course load

Students may not work until they have commenced their program of study. They must actually commence studies in Canada at a DLI before being eligible to work off campus.

Intensive programs

Some intensive programs may not have regularly scheduled breaks. Students participating in such programs may work a maximum of 20 hours per week during the entire program of study.

Full-time students with a part-time course load in their final academic session

Students who have maintained full-time status for the duration of their program of study, and who only require a part-time course load in their final academic session in order to complete their program of study, are allowed to work full-time during the regularly scheduled break before their last semester and are allowed to work off campus up to 20 hours per week during their final academic session.

Working on campus in addition to working off campus

There are no restrictions on the number of hours students can work on campus [as per R186(f)] in addition to working off campus, provided they continue to meet the applicable eligibility requirements.

① 课程开始前,是无法进行打工的。

② 若学签上备注可以打工,您可以额外向加拿大政府申请:社会保险SIN。SIN卡是一个机密且重要的文件,不能随便出示、出借、冒用、重复申请或作为身份文件,若不小心遗失,需即时补办。 文章分享【 申请要点 】快速了解合法工作/实习 及 SIN Number申请

③ SIN Number是有时效的,请记得去Service Canada办理更新手续。

④ 注意打工时数,若您工作超出加拿大政府允许的工时,将有可能遭到遣返。





>>>>本文摘自:Visa Hub台湾部门
>>>>原文标题:【 加拿大學簽 】持有有效的學生簽證就可以 每週打工20個小時 嗎?

《 加拿大ADM留学移民领导品牌 》为加拿大本地最大留学移民机构,于温哥华 , 多伦多与卡尔加里均有办事处,多伦多总部拥有50位职员,开通13国部门市场,强大移民顾问团队,专业的签证团队,协助留学移民一站式服务深受业界肯定。ADM并于2020/2021年接受苹果日报、星岛日报,苹果动新闻专访,深受海外华人的肯定。

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  1. Pingback: 【 PGWP 毕业工签 】延长! 毕业工签可延长至2024年! - VisaHub.ca

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