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04/25/2023BY Peter
【港人移民 加拿大救生艇2 移民方案公布 】移民加拿大Pathway 已出爐!即睇 政策詳情!
加拿大救生艇 港人移民計畫

今日(6月8日) 加拿大 政府推出了港人期待已久 救生艇 計劃的另外兩條 Pathway !申請條件非常優厚!概念就是加拿大畢業留學生或擁有加一年工作經驗者皆可直接移民!
- 截止日期: 2021年6月1日~2026年8月31日
- 申請費用:1050加幣
- 救生艇PR移民受理類別 (Stream):
- Stream A :加拿大畢業留學生
- Stream B : 加拿大一年工作經驗者
加拿大救生艇 Stream A : 加拿大畢業國際學生(無年齡限制)
- 持有 香港 特區護照或BNO
- 申請及取得永久居留權時必須在 加拿大 境內
- 持有 有效的臨時居留簽證
- 有意在除了魁北克省的地區發展
- 於CLB( Canadian Language Benchmark)5分以上 (雅思五分)
- 於 加拿大 政府認可的院校(DLI) 畢業 (公私立皆可)
- 由申請時計過往三年內畢業
- 需符合以下其中一項:
- – Diploma文憑 (課程長度至少兩年)
– Degree學位 (學士/碩士/博士)
– Graduate/ Post-graduate diploma/certificate學士後文憑或證書 (課程長度至少一年)
- 需於 加拿大 境內完成最少50%的課程
*如以學士後文憑或證書申請,申請人必需於 申請 加拿大 學士後文憑或證書時起計五年內於大學取得學位。

Stream A 加拿大 畢業生 所需文件:
- 1. 達CLB 5級英語能力成績
- 2. 證明有意留在加拿大魁北克省以外的任何省份
a. 法定聲明註明及解釋你會住在哪裏給原因 或
b. 文件證明你選擇的地方有關係,例如
-租賃證明或銀行按揭 - 3. 加拿大Diploma/ Degree證明及最終成績單(需由加拿大DLI於申請日過往三年內發出)
如申請人以Graduate/Post Graduate Diploma/ Certificate申請,亦需提供
- 4. 一份文件證明該課程要求有大專文憑或學位作prerequisite,例如
– 學校網站上印有所有prerequisites的證明
– 印有學校所提及的prerequisites信件 - 5. 一份在你Graduate/ Post Graduate課程開始前,有顯示你於五年內畢業的Post- Secondary Diploma/ Degree證明及最終成績單
加拿大救生艇 港人移民計畫 Stream A
加拿大救生艇 Stream B : 具 加拿大 工作經驗者
以具 加拿大 工作經驗者身分申請必須具備以下條件:
- 持有 香港 特區護照或BNO
- 申請及取得永久居留權時必須在 加拿大 境內
- 持有 有效的臨時居留簽證
- 有意在除了魁北克省的地區發展
- 於CLB( Canadian Language Benchmark)的聽說讀寫分別有5分或以上
- 於過去年五年內畢業並滿足以下其中一項條件:
-於 加拿大 政府認可的院校(DLI)於完成文憑/學位課程
-於 加拿大 政府認可的院校(DLI)完成證書課程
加拿大 大專 文憑 (課程長度至少兩年)
加拿大 學位
學士後文憑或證書 (課程長度至少一年)
- 於申請前三年在 加拿大 全職工作至少12個月或同等時間的兼職時數(至少1,560小時)

– 全職學生
– 於工作時請假(醫療/產假/侍產假等)
Stream B 具 加拿大 工作經驗者 所需文件:
- 1. 達CLB 5級英語能力成績
- 2. 證明有意留在加拿大魁北克省以外的任何省份
a. 法定聲明註明及解釋你會住在哪裏給原因 或
b. 文件證明你選擇的地方有關係,例如
-租賃證明或銀行按揭 - 3. Diploma/ Degree證明及最終成績單(需列明申請人於過往五年內畢業)
如申請人擁有Graduate/Post Graduate Diploma/ Certificate,亦需提供
- 4. 一份文件證明該課程要求有大專文憑或學位作prerequisite,例如
– 學校網站上印有所有prerequisites的證明
– 印有學校所提及的prerequisites信件 - 5. 一份在你Graduate/ Post Graduate課程開始前,有顯示你於五年內畢業的Post- Secondary Diploma/ Degree證明及最終成績單
如申請人於海外院校完成課程,需於educational credential assessment (ECA)進行學歷審查。
- 6.一份由僱主以公司抬頭寫的信,內容包括:
– 姓名
– 工作職位
– 你於該公司工作的日期
– 每星期工作時數
– 年薪及福利
– 公司聯絡資料(地址、電話、電郵)
– Supervisor名稱、職位、簽名(或由人力資源部簽名)
- 7. T4 稅單影印本及CRA的Notice of assessment
- 8. 受僱歷史影印本
- 9. 工資單及銀行證明
如何申請港人救生艇 加拿大移民程序?
- – 電郵的主題需填上Request to apply for the Permanent Residence Pathways for Hong Kong Residents: [insert your unique client identifier (UCI) or passport number]
- – 內容需包括:姓名、電郵及UCI/護照號碼
- – 發送電郵至
- – 若你未能提供UCI/護照號碼,需註明原因
- – 所有其他資料不需包含於此電郵
第2步:在Canada Post建立帳戶
- – 在收到確認電郵後,你會收到一份來自Canada Post的電郵,要求你建立帳戶
- – 電郵有機會發到Spam Folder,可以加到安全聯絡人
- 細閱申請指引(IMM 5067)
- Checklist (IMM 0134)
- 填妥以下表格(確保你使用的是Adobe Reader 10或以上及有開啟JavaScript)
- Generic Application Form for Canada [IMM 0008] (PDF, 677 KB)
- Schedule A – Background/Declaration [IMM 5669] (PDF, 1.52 MB)
- Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] (PDF, 2.23 MB)
- Supplementary Information – Your Travels [IMM 5562] (PDF, 1.75 MB)
Stream A加拿大 畢業生申請者:
Stream B具 加拿大 工作經驗 申請者:
- – 必需使用網上付款
- – IRCC建議同時付畢PR及申請費用,以免申請受延誤
- – 完成所有上傳資料
- – 發回申請
- – 或會要求申請人提供指模及相片
- – 或會要求申請人完成身體檢查
- – IRCC會以郵寄方式發出PR證明文件(楓葉卡)
- – 需確認你的郵寄地址
- – 如有新人居住在加拿大境外,IRCC亦會考慮發送PR居住簽證給他們
- – 會發送信件解釋失敗原因
You must provide a copy of your language test results that shows you have a level 5 score in all 4 skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in one of the following:
- – Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)
- – Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC)
If you haven’t already completed a language test, make sure you book one early. It takes time to book the test and get your results.
If you currently live in Quebec, you must prove that you intend to live in a province or territory other than Quebec.
To prove this, you can provide one or more of the following:
- – a statutory declaration explaining where you plan to live and why
- – documents showing any ties you have to the province or territory (outside Quebec) where you plan to live, including
- *proof of employment
- *job offers
- *job applications you’ve submitted
- *job interviews you have scheduled
- *proof you have family living in the area
- *lease agreements or mortgages
You must provide
- – a copy of your diploma or degree
- – your final transcripts
They must show that you graduated
- – from a designated learning institution in Canada
- – in the last 3 years
If you have a diploma or certificate from a graduate or post-graduate program, you must also include both of the following:
- 1. proof that this program required you to have a post-secondary diploma or degree as a prerequisite, such as a
- – copy of the school’s website showing all the prerequisites
- – letter from the school that lists the prerequisites you needed
- 2. a copy of your post-secondary diploma or degree and final transcripts showing that you graduated no more than 5 years before the start of your graduate or post-graduate program
You must provide both of the following:
- 1. a copy of your diploma or degree
- 2. your final transcripts
They must show that you graduated in the last 5 years.
If you have a diploma or certificate from a graduate or post-graduate program, you must also include both of the following:
- 1. proof that this program required you to have a post-secondary diploma or degree as a prerequisite, such as a
- – copy of the school’s website showing all the prerequisites
- – letter from the school
- 2. a copy of your post-secondary diploma or degree and final transcripts showing that you graduated no more than 5 years before the start of your graduate or post-graduate program
If you graduated from a post-secondary school outside Canada, you must get an educational credential assessment (ECA). This assessment will show that your studies are equal to a Canadian post-secondary diploma or degree.
Canadian work experience (stream B only)
You must provide proof for each job you list in your application. This could be
- 1. a letter from your employer, on company letterhead, that includes
- *your name
- *your job title
- *the dates you worked for the company
- *the number of hours you worked each week
- *your annual salary and any benefits you received
- *the company contact information (address, phone number and email address)
- *your supervisor’s name, title and signature (or those of the company’s human resources officer)
- 2. a copy of the T4 tax information slips and notices of assessment the Canada Revenue Agency issued to you
- 3. copies of your records of employment
- 4. pay stubs
- 5. copies of bank deposits showing salary payments
Step 1: Prepare and send an email
Enter this text into the subject line of your email: Request to apply for the Permanent Residence Pathways for Hong Kong Residents: [insert your unique client identifier (UCI) or passport number]
Include only the following details in the body of your email:
- – your name
- – the email you want to use to communicate with us
- – your UCI (which is found on your visa or permit) or your passport number
If you don’t have a UCI or passport number, explain why in your email. Don’t add any other information to your email.
Send your email to You’ll get an automatic reply to confirm we got your message.
Send your email only when you’re ready to submit your application. We won’t reply to any questions sent to this email address.
Step 2: Create an account with Canada Post
After you get the confirmation email from us, you’ll get an email from Canada Post asking you to sign up for an account. Make sure to check your spam folder, so you don’t miss it. You can also add to your safe sender list.
When you get this email, follow the instructions to create your account.
You’ll use epost only to submit your application. If we need more information from you, we’ll contact you at the email address you provided.
Step 3: Complete your application
Get the instruction guide
Read the instruction guide (IMM 5067) before you complete the forms. The guide will help you complete them.
Get your checklist and forms
Use your checklist to make sure you include all the forms and documents you need.
Forms for you to fill out
- – Generic Application Form for Canada [IMM 0008] (PDF, 677 KB)
- – Schedule A – Background/Declaration [IMM 5669] (PDF, 1.52 MB)
- – Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] (PDF, 2.23 MB)
- – Supplementary Information – Your Travels [IMM 5562] (PDF, 1.75 MB)
If you’re applying under stream A (In-Canada graduates)
If you’re applying under stream B (Canadian work experience)
Forms for you to fill out, if applicable
- – Additional Dependants/Declaration [IMM 0008 DEP] (PDF, 434 KB)
- – Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (PDF, 1.48 MB)
Complete your forms
- – Use the instruction guide to fill out your forms.
- – Make sure you have Adobe Reader 10 or higher and JavaScript turned on. If you have trouble downloading a form, right-click the link and choose “Save Target As…”.
- – Complete the forms on your computer instead of by hand. It’s easier and reduces mistakes that can cause delays.
Step 4: Pay your fees
Your fees will include processing fees for you and anyone you include on your application. You must pay your fees online.
The instruction guide will help you understand which fees apply to you and how to pay them.
We recommend you pay the right of permanent residence fee at the same time as your application fees to avoid delays in your application.
Step 5: Submit your application
Upload your completed forms and documents to your deposit account. If possible, upload or scan them in the order they appear in the document checklist.
We’ll review your application from there.
We’ll review your application to make sure
- – it’s complete
- – you meet all the eligibility requirements
- – you paid your fees
- – you included all the required documents
Your application may be delayed if
- – there are any criminal or security problems, or we need to do more background checks
- – your family situation isn’t clear (this could include a divorce, an adoption that isn’t complete or child custody issues that haven’t been resolved)
- – the processing office has to contact other IRCC offices in or outside Canada to confirm the information you gave
While your application is in process, you must tell us if you change your address or contact information.
If your application isn’t complete
We may return or refuse your application if
- – it’s missing any required documents
- – you didn’t pay your fees
If your application is complete
We’ll ask you, and any family members you include in your application, to
- – give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics), if required
- – complete medical exams
Get your fingerprints and photo taken
You and your family members may need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) after you apply for permanent residence. Find out if you need to give your biometrics.
Get a medical exam
You don’t need to complete a medical exam before you apply.
We’ll ask you to complete one after we review your application.
You must complete a medical exam before you can become a permanent resident of Canada. Your family members must also complete medical exams, even if they’re not coming with you to Canada. You won’t be able to sponsor them in the future if they don’t complete these exams.
We won’t approve your application if your health
- – is a danger to Canada’s public health or safety
- – would cause too much demand on health or social services in Canada
When we ask you to complete your exam, we’ll send you both of the following:
- – medical forms for you and any family members you include in your application
- – instructions about finding a doctor in your area who is authorized to do immigration medical exams
If we approve your application
Make sure you pay your right of permanent residence fee (if you haven’t already).
We’ll contact you to
- – give you a confirmation of permanent residence document, which confirms you’ve been approved to become a Canadian permanent resident
- – confirm your mailing address in Canada, so we can send you your permanent resident card (PR card)
If you have family members outside Canada, we may also send you permanent resident visas for them (if they need visas to enter Canada).
Find out what it means to become a permanent resident.
If we refuse your application
We’ll send you a letter that explains why we refused your application.
申請日期為2021年6月1日至2026年8月31日。如果大家對 今次的 香港 Pathway 有任何問題,可參閱 IRCC 官網,或者填寫以下表格與我們的專業顧問聯絡。
加拿大救生艇 港人移民 常見問題
不是,方案沒有提到年齡限制。只是提及在過去5年內,曾在加拿大或海外認可的高等教育機構獲取高等教育資格(eligibility criteria centred on post-secondary education in Canada or abroad completed in the last 5 years),可以申請開放工作簽證(open work permit)。如申請獲批,最多可獲批高達3年的開放工作簽證,而其配偶和子女,可以申請學生簽證或工作簽證。
今次加拿大政府的方案很寬鬆,港人能以相對簡單的程序來到加拿大。但是可以來到加拿大,不代表可以在加拿大成為公民,當中還有基本要求,包括持有開放工作簽證(open work permit)的申請者,必須達到基本語言及學歷要求,加上在加拿大至少有1年或以上工作經驗(即每周工作至少30小時),方符合資格申請成為公民(permanent residence) 。
至於在加拿大獲取高等教育資格、持有有效的香港特區護照或BNO護照的申請者,則可以直接申請成為公民(permanent residence) 。
- – 過去 5 年內於加拿大連續居滿 3 年
- – 如有入息,須於加拿大報稅
- – 通過加拿大公民測試
- – 證明英語已達到一定程度的水平
加拿大學生簽證可讓留學生在加拿大完成學業後,得到加拿大的工作簽證,在加拿大打工1至2年,便可申請加拿大經驗類移民計劃(Canada Experience Class Program)。這項工作簽證不需要僱主擔保,在讀期間亦可以打工,而且經驗類移民計劃的申請時間亦較傳統移民項目短。另外,在加拿大留學修讀碩士課程亦會為技術移民加分。
加拿大 移民 分數 快速通道 EE
加拿大 移民 分數 快速通道 EE
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact