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【 加拿大物價 】在加拿大一個月生活費到底要幾多錢?

03/22/2023BY Christina


加拿大 物價 生活費



1. 住宿費用


多倫多同溫哥華等等大城市,每月一房公寓大約 1,200 至 2,000 CAD。

如果你願意住離市中心較遠既地方或同室友合住一個空間,你可以搵到更實惠既選擇,大概700-900 CAD左右。


加拿大 物價住宿

Rents are different in major cities in Canada, and the rental price varies according to the location, size and type of the property.
In big cities such as Toronto and Vancouver, a one-bedroom apartment costs about 1,200 to 2,000 CAD per month.

If you prefer to live farther from the city center or share a space with roommates, you can find more affordable options, around 700-900 CAD.
When considering your accommodation budget, remember to consider other expenses such as utilities, WIFI, and home insurance, among others.

2. 食品費用


一般而言,一個人每個月可能要花費 $300 到 $500 CAD 喺食物方面。如果出去食飯,費用就會快速增加,中檔餐廳嘅費用大概每人$15至$25 CAD。如果想慳錢,可以考慮煮飯、自己喺屋企煮食,或者搵優惠或折扣。

加拿大 物價生活費 食品

另外,加拿大政府網站 Statistic Canada 每月會更新糧食同埋其他產品嘅平均零售價格,可以上去參考下,就大概估算到自己既洗費0。

※ 推薦用APP “Flipp”望下每星期四更新既唔同優惠。

Grocery prices in Canada will vary depending on where you shop and what you buy.
On average, a person may spend $300 to $500 CAD per month on food.
If you go out to eat, the cost will add up quickly, and the cost of a mid-range restaurant is about $15 to $25 CAD per person.
If you want to save money, consider cooking, cooking at home, or getting a discount or discount.

in addition,
The Canadian government website Statistic Canada will update the average retail price of food and other products every month. You can refer to it and estimate that your washing fee is 0

※ It is recommended to use the APP “Flipp” to view the updates every Thursday and different discounts

加拿大 物價 生活費

3. 交通費

加拿大大部分主要城市都有公共交通,月票費用大約100 至 150 CAD左右。

如果你係車主,每月平均開支大約400 至 500 CAD,包括供車、保險、汽油和維護費等雜費等等。要記住加拿大嘅汽油價格可能會波動。現時平均每升1.25至1.50 CAD。

加拿大 生活費 交通

4. 通訊費


基本WIFI計劃每月費用大約為 50 CAD,而電話計劃嘅費用因為唔同人嘅使用情況 同埋唔同供應商而有所不同,每個月嘅費用介乎30至80 CAD之間。如果你需要家庭電話,就預計每月再額外支付20至30 CAD左右。

加拿大 物價 生活費 wifi

5. 娛樂費用

雖然娛樂費用會因為你既興趣而有很大差別,但每月預算大約 50 到 200 CAD 左右已經好足夠。

包括睇電影、睇Concert或體育賽事 (NHL, NFL等等)或參加其他活動等費用。

※電影院星期二睇戲半價,而會員每月9.99CAD 就可以享受其他日子平價戲飛!

物價 生活費 電影費

加拿大 物價 生活費

While entertainment costs will vary greatly depending on your interests,
But a monthly budget of around 50 to 200 CAD is good enough.
Including the cost of watching movies, watching concerts or sports events (NHL, NFL, etc.) or participating in other activities.
To save money on entertainment, consider free or low-cost activities, such as visiting a museum or park, or attending a community event.

※Movie theaters are half-price on Tuesdays, and members can enjoy cheap movies on other days for 9.99CAD per month!

加拿大 物價 生活費