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04/14/2021BY Peter
加拿大 針對 留學生 、必要行業開放特殊 移民 名額
移民 加拿大 留學生
在 加拿大 時間,4月14日剛結束的發布會上, 加拿大 聯邦 移民 部長Mendicino宣佈: 加拿大 移民 計劃開放一個全新的通道,共9萬名額專門給必要工人和最近畢業的國際 留學生 。
- 20000醫療健康行業的臨時工人
- 30000其它必要行業的臨時工人
- 40000最近畢業的留學生
加拿大 留學生 ,畢業就可以拿永久居民身份
- 在2017年1月之後,完成在DLI機構的專業學習。
a. 公立學院
b. 部分符合資格的私立學院
c. 魁北克公立/私立學院 900 小時以上DVS 或AVS diploma
d. 省政府審核的部分私立學院課程 - 取得以下其中1種畢業證書:
a. 課程長度8個月以上的 degree 畢業證書
(Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate)
b. 符合skilled trade的 degree, diploma, certificate, or attestation
(skilled trade名單將附在下方)
c. 1個以上,符合以下條件的 diploma/certificate/attestation:
c-1. 2年以上的課程,或是完成兩個8個月以上課程(即總長度需要16個月以上)
c-2. 總長度1800小時以上,個別900小時以上的 DVS and AVS 課程
c-3. 若為1個AVS課程+一個 DVS課程, 只要總長度在1800小時以上,AVS課程長度可以少於 900小時。 - 合法取得在加拿大學習資格
- 目前有合法加拿大工作中,除非特殊情況,不得是自顧身分
- 2年內的CLB 5 英語語言考試證書
- 目前人在加拿大境內,並有暫時居留身分
- 打算居住在魁北克以外的省份
Eligible Skilled Trades
7201 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations
7202 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
7203 Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades
7204 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades
7205 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
7231 Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors
7232 Tool and die makers
7233 Sheet metal workers
7234 Boilermakers
7235 Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters
7236 Ironworkers
7237 Welders and related machine operators
7241 Electricians (except industrial and power system)
7242 Industrial electricians
7243 Power system electricians
7244 Electrical power line and cable workers
7245 Telecommunications line and cable workers
7246 Telecommunications installation and repair workers
7247 Cable television service and maintenance technicians
7251 Plumbers
7252 Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers
7253 Gas fitters
7271 Carpenters
7272 Cabinetmakers
7281 Bricklayers
7282 Concrete finishers
7283 Tilesetters
7284 Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
7291 Roofers and shinglers
7292 Glaziers
7293 Insulators
7294 Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
7295 Floor covering installers
7301 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
7302 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews
7303 Supervisors, printing and related occupations
7304 Supervisors, railway transport operations
7305 Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators
7311 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
7312 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
7313 Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
7314 Railway carmen/women
7315 Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
7316 Machine fitters
7318 Elevator constructors and mechanics
7321 Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers
7322 Motor vehicle body repairers
7331 Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
7332 Appliance servicers and repairers
7333 Electrical mechanics
7334 Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics
7335 Other small engine and small equipment repairers
7361 Railway and yard locomotive engineers
7362 Railway conductors and brakemen/women
7371 Crane operators
7372 Drillers and blasters – surface mining, quarrying and construction
7373 Water well drillers
7381 Printing press operators
7384 Other trades and related occupations, n.e.c.
8211 Supervisors, logging and forestry
8221 Supervisors, mining and quarrying
8222 Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services
8231 Underground production and development miners
8232 Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
8241 Logging machinery operators
8252 Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers
8255 Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services
8261 Fishing masters and officers
8262 Fishermen/women
9211Supervisors, mineral and metal processing
9212 Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities
9213 Supervisors, food and beverage processing
9214 Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
9215 Supervisors, forest products processing
9217 Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
9221 Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
9222 Supervisors, electronics manufacturing
9223 Supervisors, electrical products manufacturing
9224 Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
9226 Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing
9227 Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
9231 Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processing
9232 Central control and process operators, petroleum, gas and chemical processing
9235 Pulping, papermaking and coating control operators
9241 Power engineers and power systems operators
9243 Water and waste treatment plant operators
6321 Chefs
6322 Cooks
6331 Butchers, meat cutters and fishmongers – retail and wholesale
6332 Bakers
加拿大 正努力實踐40萬 移民 目標
若您不符合以上資格,透過EE快速通關,臨時工人和國際 留學生 可以在加拿大有更多途徑獲取積分。例如,加拿大經驗類移民是將此類人員過渡到擁有永久居留權的主要方式。近期EE抽分也有降低趨勢。
移民 加拿大 留學生
移民 加拿大 留學生
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either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact