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【 加拿大工簽 】合法在「加」工作|3種常見取得 加拿大工作簽證 的方式!

04/10/2024BY Peter

加拿大工作簽證 加拿大工簽

【 加拿大工簽 】合法在「加」工作|3種常見取得 加拿大工作簽證 的方式!

最近學生詢問率最高的問題之一,就是如何拿到 加拿大工作簽證 ,在讀書之餘又可以工作!今天就為大家介紹以下能在加拿大合法工作的三種方式,看看到底用什麼方法可以讓 加拿大工簽 學簽一次到手!

加拿大工簽 介紹影片


1. 專業實習打工遊學 (Co-op)

2. 公立學院 2+3 (College)

3. LMIA (Labor Market Impact Assessment)



專業實習打工遊學的方案通常是一年(6+6),也就是「6個月專業課程 + 6個月的工作實習」。現在很多學校也提供8+8及10+10的方案供學生選擇!前6個月在上課之餘能打工20小時/週,後6個月則可以做全職工作40小時/週,吸引了很多不只想在加拿大讀書,還想要有國外工作經驗的人申請。


加拿大工作簽證 加拿大工簽

Each school’s professional work-study course will have its own language proficiency requirements. If the requirements are not met, students will be arranged to attend a language school for a period of time before connecting. Professional courses are usually in the customer service, hotel management or business categories. Each school is different, and you need to meet the score requirements of the professional courses to get the Diploma! As for Co-op, which is the internship part, most of them are paid. The school will also provide you with job information from time to time to help you find an internship smoothly after the professional course!


其他 專業實習打工遊學COOP 相關:

  • ▪️停留時間:根據報名課程的長度。
  • ▪️名額限制:沒有限制。
  • ▪️年齡限制:沒有限制。
  • ▪️機會限制:時間彈性。
  • ▪️遊學費用:6+6的學費則大概落在港幣4.5~5萬多左右。

取得加拿大工簽方法(二):公立學院 2+3 (College)

→ 最熱門、公信力高、可移民加分!

公立學院2+3 是指在公立學院(College) 讀「兩年的專業文憑課程」,畢業後可以向加拿大政府申請「三年的畢業後工作簽證」。


The “Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)”, like the Working Holiday Visa, can only be used once in a lifetime. At the same time, you must complete all courses and obtain a diploma before you can apply. If you want to stay in Canada longer, do professional-related work, or have “immigration” plans, College is a good choice!

其他 公立學院 2+3 (College) 相關:

  • ▪️PGWP長度:根據報名課程的長度。
  • ▪️更多關於 公立學院2+3留學移民
  • ▪️留學費用:公立學院一年的學費約為港幣9萬左右,兩年則是17.5萬!

取得加拿大工簽方法(三):LMIA (Labor Market Impact Assessment)

→ 難度較高

LMIA 是加拿大雇主雇用海外員工時需要的許可文件。也就是加拿大雇主雇用外國人時需要申請LMIA,以證明加拿大雇主已經在加拿大境內努力招聘,但沒有找到適合的人,所以有必要雇用國外員工。在加拿大雇主向加拿大就業和社會發展部(ESDC) 提交申請獲批准後,便可憑此申請工作簽證。(加拿大官方說明)

An LMIA is a permission document required by Canadian employers to hire overseas workers. That is, Canadian employers need to apply for an LMIA when hiring foreigners to prove that the Canadian employer has made efforts to recruit in Canada but has not found suitable people, so it is necessary to hire foreign employees. After the Canadian employer submits an application to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and is approved, it can apply for a work visa. (Canadian official description).
