Mon-Fri: 11:00-19:00
- 技術工人移民流-包括曼尼托巴省和海外的移民
- 曼尼托巴省商業投資者流
- 現代社區推動的移民計劃-通過MPNP
- 國際教育流
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工作經驗 | 雇主直接招聘 |
- CLB 7适用于受管制的职业。
- CLB 6用于强制性行业。
- 其他NOC 0,A,B职业为CLB 5。
快速通道 | 人力資本 |
- 1年高等教育学历
- 提交职业计划
- 展示6个月的结算资金
職業就業 | 研究生實習 | 學生企業家 |
- CLB 7
- 展示6个月用于安顿的资金或正在从事曼省的全职工作
- 提交职业就业计划
- 成為合格的臨時外國工人或國際學生畢業;
- 國際學生的畢業生必須已經在馬尼托巴省的公共或註冊的私立高等專科院校就讀過授權的教育或培訓課程。(語言程序特別排除在外。)
- 該學術/職業課程必須是全日制,並且至少為一學年。
- 候選人必須成功完成該計劃並獲得文憑,學位或證書。
- 從其現有的曼尼托巴省雇主那裡獲得永久性全職工作機會;
- 為其現有的馬尼托巴省雇主連續工作至少六個月;
- 計算曼尼托巴省合格工作經驗的時間時,將不包括候選人從事全日制學習的任何自營職業,未經授權的工作或就業時間(例如,獲得合作社許可的工作經驗)。
- 持有 加拿大移民,難民和公民身份(IRCC)的有效 工作許可證或 畢業後工作許可證;
- 具有該職位的所有資格,包括培訓/教育以及任何必需的執照或證明;
- 具備應聘英語能力;具體而言,應聘者必須證明其英語或法語水平,才能履行其職務說明中的職責;
- 通過就業與馬尼托巴省建立聯繫,這種聯繫比他們與另一個省的聯繫更牢固;
- 在《解決計劃》中證明其作為永久居民在曼尼托巴生活,工作以及建立工作和家庭生活的意圖和能力;和
- 證明他們有足夠的和解金-通常為主申請人提供10,000加元,再為申請中包括的每個受撫養人提供2,000加元。
注意: 如果候選人已從曼尼托巴省以外的加拿大省的專科課程畢業,並且想要在該類別下申請MPNP,因為他或她已在曼尼托巴獲得了工作,則必須首先在該曼尼托巴工作。雇主至少一年才能有資格。
- 由某省的立法機關或加拿大立法機關的立法成立或註冊;
- 經營在曼尼托巴省已建立生產能力,工廠或營業地點的企業;
- 使MPNP滿意,證明他們是一家成熟的企業,能夠為候選人提供曼尼托巴省的全職和長期就業;
- 向求職者提供聘書:
- 已簽名
- 在公司信箋上,
- 指定工資/薪水以及該職位的任何其他詳細信息。
- 在 第一步中,潛在的候選人通過回答一系列問題並創建在線個人資料表達對移民到曼尼托巴省的興趣。根據提供的答案為符合條件的候選人的個人資料分配分數,並與其他符合條件的候選人一起放入曼尼托巴EOI庫。根據獨特的MPNP排名積分系統對候選人進行排名,並給予最高1,000分的分數。
- 在 第二步中,可以邀請得分最高的候選人申請MPNP。從EOI池中抽取候選人時,他或她會收到一份申請通知書(LAA)。收到LAA後,候選人將只有60天的時間向曼尼托巴省提交完整且準確的申請。
- 在 第三步中,候選人從曼尼托巴省獲得提名後,然後將其完整的書面文件提交給IRCC,併申請加拿大永久居留權。
- 自僱人士,企業主,所有者經營者或以獨立承包商的身份向支持其應用程序的企業提供服務的個人;
- 免於要求在曼尼托巴工作的工作許可證(例如宗教部長);
- 根據工作學習計劃的一部分的工作機會提交申請。
- 難民索賠人,或參與聯邦上訴或驅逐程序的個人;
- 目前居住在加拿大的住家保姆;
- 目前在曼尼托巴省以外的省份工作和居住的臨時外國工人;
- 加拿大公民或永久居民的配偶;
- 在最近六個月內被MPNP拒絕並且無法解決拒絕理由的個人;和
- 在加拿大的任何其他省級移民計劃中都有有效移民申請的個人。
發出申請通知書的日期 | 簽發數量 | 最低要求積分 | |
第90屆MPNP興趣抽籤 | 2020年5月21日 | 72 | 485 |
- 在分數評估網格中獲得100分中至少60分的分數;和
- 通過朋友或家人的支持,以前在該省的工作經驗或受過教育,或MPNP發出的申請邀請,證明與曼尼托巴建立了聯繫,
In order to be a Manitoba Supporter, an individual must be:
- Able to provide documents proving that he or she has been living in Manitoba continuously for a minimum of one year;
- A Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
- Able to demonstrate sufficiently close ties to the applicant and the province;
- For close relatives, both the applicant and the supporter must provide documents proving their familial relationship.
- Close relatives are considered to be those related to the applicant (or the applicant’s spouse) in one of the following ways:
- Sister or brother,
- Niece or nephew,
- Aunt or uncle,
- First cousin,
- Mother or father,
- Grandmother or grandfather.
- Able to demonstrate that any applications they previously supported resulted in successful, permanent economic establishment in Manitoba;
- Able to support the applicant’s Settlement Plan.
Paid immigration representatives and Canadian elected officials and their staff cannot be Manitoba Supporters. Children living in Manitoba cannot support their parents; instead, it is recommended they refer to Parent and Grandparents Sponsorship.
In order to apply with the connection of Manitoba Experience, candidates must have lived in the province in the past as either a temporary foreign worker or as an international student.
To be eligible, those with previous work experience in Manitoba must:
- Have worked full-time for a Manitoba employer for a minimum of six consecutive months;
- Submit a signed employer letter of reference on company letterhead; and
- Submit a copy of their work permit proving they worked in the province.
Those with previous educational experience in Manitoba must:
- Have attended and completed an authorized education or training program at a public, or registered private vocational, post-secondary institution in Manitoba; and
- Submit their study permit(s), academic transcripts and certificate, diploma or degree they received upon completion of the program.
因素1:語言能力 | 點數 |
母語(英語或法語) | |
CLB 8或更高版本/母語為 | 20 |
俱樂部7 | 18歲 |
俱樂部6 | 16 |
俱樂部5 | 14 |
俱樂部4 * | 12 |
CLB 3或更低 | 0 |
Second language (English or French) | |
CLB 5 or higher | 5 |
Factor 2: Age | |
18 | 4 |
19 | 6 |
20 | 8 |
21 to 45 | 10 |
46 | 8 |
47 | 6 |
48 | 4 |
49 | 2 |
50 or older | 0 |
Factor 3: Work Experience (in the past five years) | |
Less than one year | 0 |
One year | 8 |
Two years | 10 |
Three years | 12 |
Four years or more | 15 |
Factor 4: Education | |
Master’s or Doctorate | 25 |
Two post-secondary programs of at least two years each | 23 |
One post-secondary program of two years or longer | 20 |
One one year post-secondary program | 14 |
Trade certification | 14 |
No post-secondary education | 0 |
Factor 5: Adaptability ** | |
Close relative in Manitoba | 20 |
Invitation to Apply received from MPNP as part of recruitment mission or exploratory visit | 20 |
Previous work experience in Manitoba (at least six months) | 12 |
Completed post-secondary program of two years or more in Manitoba | 12 |
Completed post-secondary program of at least one year in Manitoba | 10 |
Friend or distant relative living in Manitoba | 10 |
Bonus: Intention to reside outside Winnipeg | 5 |
Total | 100 |
The MPNP provides instructions on what to do during the visit and what documents candidates are required to bring with them.
In order to be eligible for an exploratory visit candidates must:
- Be between the ages of 21 and 45;
- Be able to demonstrate the employability and adaptability required of all MPNP applicants;
- Have completed, at minimum, a one-year, post-secondary education or training program for which they received a diploma, degree or certificate;
- Have at least two years of full-time work experience in the past five years;
- Demonstrate their ability to find a job in Manitoba in the same occupation in which they have two years of experience;
- This includes plans to achieve the appropriate licence or certification required in the case of regulated occupations.
- Submit a Settlement Plan that demonstrates their genuine intention and ability to economically establish and settle in Manitoba as a permanent resident; and
- Submit official results of an approved language test taken within the past two years showing they achieved scores equivalent to at least CLB 6 in each component as well as overall.
*具有國家職業分類(NOC)C或D的求職者的語言水平必須至少為英語的加拿大語言基準(CLB)4或 法語的niveaux decompétencelinguistique canadiens (NCLC)4。才有資格申請。
發出申請通知書的日期 | 簽發數量 | 最低要求積分 | |
第90屆MPNP興趣抽獎 | 2020年5月21日 | 15 | 613 |
因素1:語言能力 | 點數 |
母語(英語或法語) | 高達125 |
CLB 8或更高版本/母語為 | 每個樂隊25個 |
俱樂部7 | 每個樂隊22個 |
俱樂部6 | 每個樂隊20個 |
俱樂部5 | 每個頻段17個 |
CLB 4 | 12 per band |
CLB 3 or lower | 0 |
Second language (English or French) | |
CLB 5 or higher | 25 overall |
Factor 2: Age | Up to 75 |
18 | 20 |
19 | 30 |
20 | 40 |
21 to 45 | 75 |
46 | 40 |
47 | 30 |
48 | 20 |
49 | 10 |
50 or older | 0 |
Factor 3: Work Experience (in the past five years) | Up to 175 |
Less than one year | 0 |
One year | 40 |
Two years | 50 |
Three years | 60 |
Four years or more | 75 |
Bonus: Fully recognized by provincial licensing body | 100 |
Factor 4: Education | Up to 125 |
Master’s or Doctorate | 125 |
Two post-secondary programs of at least two years each | 115 |
One post-secondary program of three years or more | 110 |
One post-secondary program of two years or longer | 100 |
One one year post-secondary program | 70 |
Trade certification | 70 |
No post-secondary education | 0 |
Factor 5: Adaptability | Up to 500 |
Close relative in Manitoba | 200 |
Previous work experience in Manitoba (6 months or more) | 100 |
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (2 years or more) | 100 |
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (one year) | 50 |
Close friend or distant relative in Manitoba | 50 |
Ongoing employment in Manitoba for 6 months or more with long-term job offer from the same employer | 500 |
Invitation to Apply under a Strategic Initiative | 500 |
Immigration destination in Manitoba is outside Winnipeg | 50 |
Factor 6: Risk Assessment | Up to minus 200 |
Close relative in another province and no close relative in Manitoba | 0 |
Work experience in another Canadian province | Minus 100 |
Studies in another province | Minus 100 |
Previous immigration application to another province | 0 |
4. 意向書
- 商业,金融和行政职业
- 研究和应用科学及相关职业
- 健康职业
- 社会科学,教育,政府服务和宗教领域的职业
- 艺术,文化,娱乐和体育职业
- 销售和服务职业
- 贸易,运输和设备经营者及相关职业
- 第一产业独有的职业
- 加工,制造和公用事业独有的职业
NOC | 職業職稱 | 技能等級 | 最低 CLB | 合格的類別 |
3413 | 护士助手,秩序井然和病人服务助理 | C | 7 | 國際教育類 |
9462 | 工业屠夫和切肉机,家禽饲养者及相关工人 | C | 7 | 國際教育類 |
该途径优先考虑那些在曼尼托巴省长期工作的国际毕业生,这是一种 与他们的学历和培训相称的按需职业
標準 | 最低要求 |
曼尼托巴省目前的工作 |
結算資金 | 申请人必须 在六个月内证明其流动资金等于 低收入临界(LICO)要求的独立财务资源。 或者 申请人必须在曼尼托巴省担任全职长期职位 |
適應性 | 申请时,申请人必须居住在曼尼托巴。 他们必须表明提名后继续在曼尼托巴居住的意图,包括提交一份职业就业计划,以证明在曼尼托巴获得成功的职业发展机会。 |
標準 | 最低要求 |
商業經驗 | 业务计划是MPNP申请的一部分。 提案必须在任命前至少6个月每天在曼尼托巴的营业地点以高级经理的身份经营企业,并持有有效的临时工作许可证,这要符合《企业绩效协议》(BPA)的要求。 企业股权至少51%。 |
官方語言水平 | 最低CLB 7(仅针对此途径,除其他语言能力测试外,雅思学术类考试也被接受) |
教育 | 在曼尼托巴完成为期至少两(2)年的全日制高等教育课程。(远程学习或压缩的学术课程不符合资格) 在加拿大以外的学习和/或工作/商业经验将被认为是有益的,但不是资格要求
年紀 | 21-35 |
適應性 | 申请人必须:
净资产/结算资金 | 不需要交押金。 最低资产净值不是资格标准;但是,将考虑资产净值/资金来源,以评估成功执行业务计划的潜力。 申请人必须在六个月内证明其流动资金等于 低收入临界值(LICO)要求的独立财务资源。 个人净资产将由MPNP批准的第三方供应商进行验证。验证报告和申请必须在收到LAA后的120天内提交给MPNP。 |
业务绩效协议 | 申请获得批准后,必须在MPNP向申请人签发支持书以申请临时工作许可之前签署《业务绩效协议》(BPA) 。 |