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1. Skilled Worker Category (NLPNP)

The Skilled Worker Category of the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NLPNP) is for foreign workers who have specialized skills that may help Newfoundland and Labrador employers overcome labour shortage.
Skilled Worker
  •  Job/Job offer any NOC Level
  • 1 year of work experience
  • Have, or be eligible for, a work permit
  • Affidavit of employer or education/training documents to prove language ability for NOC, 0, A, B
  • PGWP holders not Eligible
  • Work Permit must have 4 months remaining when applying
  • Job/Job offer must be for at least 2 years and with the possibility to extend it.

2. Minimum Requirements for Applicants

In order to be eligible under the Newfoundland and Labrador Skilled Worker Category of the NLPNP, candidates must:

  • Have a full-time job or job offer from an eligible Newfoundland and Labrador employer for at least two years (with the possibility of extension);
    • Earnings should be in the form of a salary and benefits package that meets provincial employment standards and prevailing wage rates. Contractual or temporary positions (short-term positions that last less than twelve (12) months with little or no possibility of extension) are not eligible for the NLPNP.
  • Have all the required qualifications, training, skills, and/or accreditation for the job;
  • Have a valid work permit with at least four months remaining at the time of applying or be eligible to apply for one;
  • Have the experience needed to perform the job, including accreditation if needed;
  • Demonstrate the intention and ability to settle in the province;
  • Demonstrate sufficient settlement funds and financial resources to settle in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Provide valid proof of English or French proficiency. Language proficiency can only be verified by one of the following testing organizations:
    • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for English; or
    • Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) for English; or
    • Test d’Evaluation de Français (TEF) for French. 
    • NOTE: Foreign workers in occupations classified under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011 as level C and D must provide test results to prove their proficiency in English or French, and must meet the required language scores for the test they have completed based on the following:
      • IELTS — General Training: Listening: 4.5 | Reading: 3.5 | Writing: 4 | Speaking: 4
      • CELPIP — General: Listening: 4 | Reading: 4 | Writing: 4 | Speaking : 4

TEF: la compréhension de l’oral: 145 | la compréhension de l’écrit: 121 | l’expression écrite: 181 | l’expression orale: 181

3. Minimum Requirements for Employers

Employers must be able to demonstrate a need for the applicant’s particular skill set and meet:

  • Be established and operating in Newfoundland and Labrador;
    • The employer must be registered and in good standing with Service NL, CADO- Companies and Deeds Online;
    • The employer must have operated in Newfoundland and Labrador, under current management, for at least two (2) consecutive years. In exceptional circumstances, applications, where the employer has been operating under current management for at least one (1) year, may be accepted. Exceptional circumstances include:
      • businesses opened following closure/sale of a previously successful business;
      • businesses involved in innovation/export markets; and 
      • businesses located in the rural region of Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Hire employees on a full-time, permanent basis;
    • Businesses located in the St. John’s metropolitan area must have at least two (2) permanent, full-time local employees on staff.
    • Businesses located outside the St. John’s metropolitan area must have at least one (1) permanent full-time local employee on staff.
    • Applicants are permitted to have an ownership stake in the business, however, the share of ownership cannot exceed 10 per cent.
  • Maintain sound workplace and business practices, including compliance with all applicable employment, labour, immigration laws and regulations;
  • Present a job offer that complies with applicable laws and regulations;
    • The employer must provide a job offer for permanent, full-time employment located in Newfoundland and Labrador in an occupation classified under one of the five skills levels in the National Occupation Classification (NOC);
    • The job offer must meet Newfoundland and Labrador’s employment and wage standards. 
    • Short-term contract-based jobs that are usually less than twelve (12) months in duration are not eligible.
    • Seasonal or part-time positions are also not eligible.
    • Jobs, where the employee does not work on the company’s premises (for example, employees who work from home or “virtual” locations and serve the employer by telecommuting), are also not eligible for the NLPNP.
    • The job offer must not conflict with any existing collective bargaining agreements. The NLPNP will not accept an application if there is a labour dispute involving either the employer or the applicant.
  • Demonstrate that efforts have been made to hire Canadian citizens or permanent residents for the position before offering the job to the applicant.
  • Be authorized to hire a foreign worker with a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) for the job they are offering to the applicant.
    • The employer must provide evidence of an LMIA exemption or results of the approved Job Vacancy Assessment (JVA).
    • The employer must show compliance with all terms and conditions outlined in the LMIA (if an LMIA is presented).
    • The employer must show that they are offering wages and benefits as per industry standards (if the job offer is LMIA exempt)
    • The employer must show compliance with all terms and conditions as outlined in the JVA (if a JVA is presented). 
  • Be a public sector or non-profit employer in a
    • provincial and regional health care authority and agency,
    • public post-secondary education and training institution,
    • provincial/federal/municipal government organization and agency; and
    • non-profit groups registered as charitable organizations and incorporated under Part XXI (21) of the Corporations Act RSNL 1990,c C-36, or the Canada Corporations Act RSC 1970,c.C-32, and in good standing. Non-profit organizations need to demonstrate financial ability and the ability to support the applicant’s position on a long-term basis.
  • Not bring the NLPNP or the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador into disrepute.
  • Agree to partake in an interview with a NLPNP Specialist and may be subject to a review to assess efforts to retain current and future nominees.
    • In the interview, employers will be required to provide documents, such as audited financial statements, Workplace Health, Safety & Compensation Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador (WHSCC) letter of good standing or letter of clearance, Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment, and business license; and
    • As part of a review by an Immigration Program Development Officer, the employer may be required to respond to questions relating to business practices, staff accommodation, salaries, employee benefits, number of current and past nominees, and other information (as required).

Note: If employers of prospective immigrants have received advice from a representative in completing their application, they must disclose this information during their communication with staff at the Newfoundland and Labrador Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism.

4. Who is not eligible to apply for the Newfoundland and Labrador Skilled Worker Category

Candidates should not apply if they:

  • Have a Post-Graduation Work Permit, in which case you must apply under the NLPNP International Graduate Category;
  • Are a failed refugee claimant or a refugee claimant living in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Have a criminal record (or have dependent family member(s) over the age of 22 — whether or not they are accompanying them— with a criminal record;
  • Have unresolved custody or child support disputes; 
  • Have intentionally misrepresented themselves in the application; or

The employer has intentionally misrepresented themselves or the applicant in relation to their, or the applicant’s, role in business.

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